The new clinic is especially equipped for the care and treatment of horses and consists of 3 buildings with:

  • 150 stables with a special drainage floor
  • 1 spa 
  • 1 aqua-trainer 
  • 1 indoor riding arena 25/50m
  • 1 walker for 6 horses 
  • 2 tie-up areas
  • 2 washing bays with infra-red solarium
  • 5 intensive care units
  • 2 surgery rooms
  • 3 recovery rooms to provide a safe environment for the horses to wake up
  • 2 radiology rooms
  • 2 ultrasonography rooms with UTC (Ultrasound Tissue Characterisation) technology
  • 2 treatment rooms
  • 1 Endoscopy room
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
  • CT (Computer Tomography)
  • Scintigraphy/Bone scan
  • 2 receptions with a waiting room, to make the clients’ arrival and stay as comfortable as possible
  • 1 laboratory for immediate analysis of bloodsamples, faecal samples can be analysed for worm infections as well
  • 7 studios for veterinarians
  • 15 hectares of fields and smaller paddocks where the horses can spend some time in the fresh air during their rehabilitation 

For optimum safety, the horses are monitored 24 hours a day by vets.

On these 15 hectares of land, the horses are revalidated in a natural environment, which improves and facilitates their recovery. What's more, owners can now take their horses for walks or put them out to pasture, rather than just visiting them in their stalls.