Internship program

Equitom Equine Hospital offers an official and recognized 1-year rotating internship program. 

Our interns rotate on a weekly basis through the different departments of the clinic. They work under the direct supervision of our veterinary staff. Six of our clinicians are certified specialists in different domains of veterinary medicine (European and American College of Veterinary Surgeons, European College of Equine Internal Medicine, European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology). Our surgeon Dimitri Kadic is the internship program responsible/advisor.

As it is an official internship program, finishing interns will be eligible for a residency program afterwards. Our internship focuses on providing clinical training to recently graduated veterinarians. The intern team currently consists of eight newly graduated veterinarians. The starting dates are spread throughout the year. Before the official starting date, the new intern is asked to work for one week alongside the colleague he or she is replacing to ease the new intern's adaptation.

For more information regarding the intership, please consult the following document:


How to apply?

An externship (see externship) at Equitom Equine Hospital is advised for successful application. You can apply by clicking on the button below.

Note : Only European candidates will be considered for the internship position, due to insurance diplomacy.