The hospitalization service is under the responsibility of Shady Taghizadeh DVM and Sigrid Vanden Berghe DVM. They take care of all surgical patients. The horses are cared for daily and receive their tailored (post)surgical treatment. Their recovery is closely monitored.

You will also be informed daily about the healing progress and the evolution of your horse. Photos and videos via WhatsApp will certainly not be missing.

Both Shady and Sigrid, with their years of experience, have specialized in tailored wound care. There are many different wound dressings and compresses on the market, but only a few are truly beneficial for horses' healing. Choosing the right dressings at each stage of a wound's healing process is extremely important.

Even for very large wounds that heal poorly or not at all, there is always a solution. At Equitom, we achieve fantastic results with skin grafts thanks to the use of the 'Meek Technique'. This technique allows a small piece of donor skin (from the abdomen) to be expanded exponentially to cover a larger area. This technique comes from human medicine. We find that the success rate and aesthetic outcome of the graft are much higher than average with this technique.

The hospitalization service makes daily use of their type IV laser. Laser therapy or photobiomodulation involves using specific wavelengths of light (red and near-infrared) for therapeutic purposes. It accelerates healing by increasing microcirculation and reducing local swelling (edema). This laser promotes tissue repair by stimulating blood supply, cell division, and the release of growth factors. Moreover, the laser has analgesic and anti-inflammatory functions. Laser therapy is easy to use, painless for the horse, and the results are clearly visible.

Shady and Sigrid also work closely with our specialized farrier, Wim Bode. Postoperative care of hoof operations (such as keratomas, hoof abscesses, horn pillars, ant nests, injuries) requires extra attention and experience. Hoof casts or bandages are changed regularly, and here too, the healing process is very important for achieving a healthy hoof.

For the condition of 'hoof cancer,' they have also developed several new techniques with Wim, where the horse can completely recover with minimally invasive treatments (local and systemic). Horses suffering from this chronic and often very frustrating pathology sometimes come from all over Europe to be treated here, with great success.

Both colleagues are also the right people to advise you on the use of medication, dietary supplements, and plant extracts. This immediately after surgery as well as during the subsequent rehabilitation period. They know exactly the effects of the different substances and know better than anyone which ailment to treat with which product.