Caesarian section

The birth of the foal is in most cases smooth and very fast compared to humans or other animal species. If things go wrong, however, we have to intervene all the more quickly so that neither the mare nor the foal will be seriously injured, even with death as a result.

If the foal cannot be born via the vaginal route, a cesarean section must be carried out quickly. Your vet will inform the clinic so that the mare can be helped immediately upon arrival. The sooner the caesarean section can be performed, the greater the chance of a live foal. The caesarean section is performed under general anaesthesia just like colic surgery.

Recto-vaginal fistula or tear

If the foal is lying in the wrong position, the legs of the foal can damage, not only the wall of the vagina, but also the perineum and rectum. Sometimes there is an opening between rectum and vagina (recto-vaginal fistula) but in cases all tissues including perineum and anus (cloaca) tear. In these mares, the manure falls into the vagina. These injuries are initially treated with antibiotics and local wound care. After about two months a final reconstruction can be carried out. This is done with the standing mare under epidural anaesthesia.