Limb fractures in horses were seen for years as a fatal injury. Today, however, we can save many of these horses thanks to new internal fixation techniques. With the help of the CT scan we can also repair complex fractures. 

The basic principles for repairing a fracture are as follows:

- Minimal traumatic surgery 

- Accurate reconstruction 

- Stable internal fixation

- Rapid postoperative exercise

Fractures to the limbs in horses were long seen as a fatal injury. Nowadays, however, we can save many of these horses thanks to new internal fixation techniques. With the help of CT scans, we can also often repair complex fractures in a minimally invasive way. The basic principles for repairing a fracture are as follows:
- Proper immobilization of the limb for transport (to avoid trauma to soft tissues and fracture fragments)
-Minimally traumatic surgery
- Accurate reduction of the fracture, especially at the joint surface if the fracture is intra-articular
- Strong internal fixation
- Rapid postoperative mobilization
The treatment of fractures can be done using various techniques. The choice of technique is determined by the nature of the fracture as well as the broken bone:
- Reconstruction of the fracture using screws: this technique is most commonly used for fractures of the short bones (e.g., pastern bone, coronet bone, coffin bone). Equitom is a pioneer in the use of CT-guided navigation for the repair of such fractures. This allows even very complex fractures to be repaired in a minimally invasive way.
- Stabilization using plates and screws: The development of new plates and screws makes it possible to also repair fractures of the long bones in horses. Depending on the nature of the fracture, the weight, and the temperament of the horse, fractures of the metacarpal bones, radius, ulna, and tibia can be repaired. In some cases, even femur and humerus fractures can be repaired (in foals).
- Arthrodesis: in some cases, the joint damage is so great that the function of the involved joint cannot be saved. In such cases, the fracture needs to be repaired using arthrodesis (joint fusion). This can be the case with very complex fractures of the pastern or coronet bones.
-Transfixation pin cast: This external fixator can be used for fractures of the phalanges (pastern, coronet, or coffin bone) that are not suitable for the preceding techniques (e.g., too small fragments, open fracture). Here, a cast construction is made around several pins in the metacarpal bone to bear the weight of the fracture as it heals.

For more information about fractures, you can consult the articles below:
- Fractures
- Splint bones